- 29-04-2007- 11:15 BST / 06:15 EDT - Serebii
Busy Busy. I feel obliged to apologise for the slowness of the site recently. As the games have come out, the volume of people accessing the site has slowed it down. We are working on cutting that down The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Site Department
DP Berrydex
As per many of your requests, we have added the DP Berrydex. It contains all the raw stats of the data, which will prove useful in the long run once we've got it all worked out. We've also organised Berries based on type But in the mean time. It's up and running so click below to view;
In The Games Department
InGame Tasts
Several people throughout the game give you tasks to do and offer you rewards. Today we're looking at two. The Underground Man and Mr. E Goods. Click below to view the sections;
In The Pokémon of the Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on another commonly used Pokémon in previous Competitive areas. We finish our covering of DP Starters
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures
I'm going to add a DP Berrydex at somepoint this weekend so keep your eye out for that. It'll be like our current Berrydex but better! I will probably add a DP bit to the update latter tonight so keep an eye out for that The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, I have done the pictures for yesterday's episodes, the Gardenia episode. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: DP Stuff
Things are still busy, so sorry for not updating yesterday (much to the disdain of some of you). The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular.
In The Games Department
Amity Square
As per popular request, I have compiled a page about Amity Square, the park at the top of Hearthome City, in which you can only enter with one of 11 Pokémon. Click below to view;
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: News
Things are busy again with University unfortunately. In the run up to exams so I haven't been able to do any new content. However, if theres anything DP related you wish to see on the DP section, don't hesitate to throw me an e-mail. The WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom is booming so now its even easier to find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP which is also popular
In The Games Department
Cross Gen Compatibility It has now been confirmed that the Pal Park compatibility isn't Region Locked as we once thought, but instead language locked. So those with English GBA games but the American DS games shall need to fear no longer. For more information on the transfers, click below;
Mystery Gift I'll make a page for this tomorrow if all goes well, however, Mystery Gift is a function in this game again, obtained by giving the phrases; "EVERYONE HAPPY" and "WI-FI CONNECTION" to a man in the Jubilife TV station, it opens Mystery Gift for you on the title screen. In Mystery Gift, you have the options of Get From A Friend, Get Via Wireless and lastly, and perhaps most shockingly; Get Via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Now, this is not evidence to anything but it could be a sign that Event items or Pokémon such as Darkrai, Shaymin & Arceus, specifically the items to get them, may be distributed via the Wi-Fi Connection as opposed to going to an event, but there is no way to be sure. Watch this space for more news
In The Anime Department
Episode Titles Two new Japanese Episode titles have been revealed for some upcoming episodes;
Episode 503: Elite Four Lucian & Bronzong! Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Diamond & Pearl Stuff & Pokemon of the Week
I hope you're all enjoying DP for those of you whom have it. Don't forget the WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom so you can find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP. I have a long overdue Manga update coming this week, I should have dealt with it last week but haven't had the time so I apologise for that
In The Games Department
Cross Gen Compatibility Still to this day, many people are confused about transferring the Pokémon, asking if everything is kept, if you lose the Pokémon if you don't capture it and so forth. So with that, I updated the Cross Gen Trading page to include full details. Click below to view:
The Rotom Factor Another Pokémon that is suprisingly hard to find unless you pretty much know that its there is Rotom. To that end, I have created a page detailing how you get it. Click below to view:
In The Pokémon Of The Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on another commonly used Pokémon in previous Competitive areas. We continue our covering of DP Starters
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Diamond & Pearl Stuff
Based on posts on the forums, some of you already have Diamond & Pearl, in which we hope that the sections created are helping you immensely. For when you have the capability, we have opened a specific WiFi Battling & Trading Chatroom so you can find people in real-time to battle or trade, and not forgetting the Normal Chatroom for the discussion of everything else DP. I've also started the minor adjustments to the Pokedex for things such as classifications from the English game. Expect more soon
In The Games Department
Gender Differences Still to this day, I get many people asking what the gender differences are. With that in mind, I created a page that details all of the Gender Differences in the 4th Generation. Click below to view:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Diamond & Pearl Stuff
Don't forget, the first three episodes of Diamond & Pearl are on tonight in America on Cartoon Network. Check your local listings for times. Will probably add to this update later on with a DP page
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, I have done the pictures for yesterday's episodes, the Burmy episode. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: Diamond & Pearl Stuff
Busy Busy
In The Games Department
National Pokédex Suprisingly, I have not actually added a page prior to this detailling the steps that are required in order to get the National Pokédex. With this in mind, I have created the page that details this. Click below to view:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Diamond & Pearl Stuff
Tomorrow, I will be making a section that will hopefully stop one of the questions many people are confused about
In The Games Department
WiFi Page Enhanced I actually seemed to have neglected this page since before Japanese Launch and so it had some inaccurate details on it. With that in mind, I re-wrote it and thus we have a better WiFi section. Click below to view:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: Episode Guide
Sorry, no DP update today, have been too busy cleaning up pictures for use in the DP section, many of which are up now such as Seals, Legendaries, Sweet Honey and many other pages. Will have one tomorrow though
In The Anime Department
Episode Guide Alfonso has returned & written the guide for the first DP Contest Episode. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Diamond & Pearl Stuff
Sunday is the big day. I have started putting better pictures into the DP section, non-camera shots so that the section actually looks professional
In The Games Department
Sinnoh Underground Enhanced Although it was a fairly comprehensive page as it is, I have updated it with some more details and the english names for the Spheres found within it. They are Gems now. Click below to view:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week
The run up to DP will begin tomorrow, we'll be updating the old sections with more complete information so that you know as much as possible by launch on Sunday
In The Anime Department
Episode Title A New Japanese Episode title has been revealed for an upcoming episode: Episode 502: Buizel! The Road To Strength!
In The Pokémon Of The Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on another commonly used Pokémon in previous Competitive areas. We have now begun covering 4th Gen Pokémon
Until Next Time, See Ya
Friday: Episode Pictures & Japanese Game News
Just over a week to go until release. I'll crack on with many sections for DP in the next week to get you prepared and knowing everything there is to know if you so wish to know it
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, I have done the pictures for yesterday's episodes, the Drifloon & Double Battle episodes. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
In The Games Department
Japanese Deoxys Event
Although many of you are not affected by this whatsoever, I figured you should know. As many of you know, there was a survey to decide what Pokémon should be given for pre-booking a ticket for the 10th Movie, the winner was Deoxys. However, this Deoxys is a rather unique one, different to the ones you would get on Birth Island on FR, LG or Emerald. Firstly, Deoxys is inside the long coveted Cherish Ball. This ball is not actually found anywhere in the game. It has the same Capture Rate as Pokéballs, it just makes quite an entrance whenever a Pokémon is sent out in it. This Deoxys is at Level 50, has a special ribbon and strangely holds the Item; NeverMeltIce. It knows the attacks; Psycho Boost, Zap Cannon, Iron Defense & Extremespeed. One attack from each form of Deoxys. Very handy indeed
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: DP Section
Once again, Uni is starting to eat my time with revision and presentation preparation. Hooray
In The Games Department
Manaphy Factor Enhanced Many of you got the news about the way to get Manaphy's Mission in Ranger back in January. So you must be thinking; "How do I get this egg over to Diamond & Pearl". With that in mind, I have re-written the Manaphy Factor Page to describe this utilising the English version of the game and the steps taken in the English Version. Click below to view:
In The Anime Department
Episode Title I seemed to have forgotten this title, apologies. It's for a Japanese Episode due for airing in mid-may: Episode 501: It's Love! Turning into Pokémon Convention! Until Next Time, See Ya
Wednesday: Arcade Game Revealed
Busy Busy
In The Games Department
Arcade Game Revealed Earlier today a new arcade game for Pokémon was revealed called Pokémon Battrio. This arcade game is made by Tomy and utilises specialised coins in order to utilise different Pokémon. With this, ou can battle other people in massive glory. This game is cel-shaded and acts like an arcade version of Pokémon Battle Revolution. This also brings a new Pokémon Mechanic in. Instead of 2 on 2, you can now have 3 on 3 battles. Expect more on this arcade game soon:
![]() ![]() Until Next Time, See Ya
Monday: Short Pictures
May add some DP stuff to this update later, may save it for tomorrow, but don't forget that many of these upcoming DP Pages are just reworks of old pages, some of which will give new English details...such as the next one will
In The Anime Department
Short Pictures Well, I have done the pictures for 9th Movie's Pikachu Short. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Pokémon of the Week
Happy Easter! The build-up to Diamond & Pearl will continue tomorrow with more english details and more in-depth focus on certain areas we have skimped upon before Japanese Release
In The Pokémon Of The Week Department
Who's That Pokémon
Continuing our break into the 4th Generation Competitive area, today we focus on another commonly used Pokémon in previous Competitive areas. Next week shall see the start of the 4th Gen Pokémon
Until Next Time, See Ya
Saturday: Episode Pictures
Major Apologies about the delay. Was out of our control. I have fixed some minor errors in the DP Attackdex in regards to the King's Rock, Bright Power & Pokemon Hit factors as they were slightly off
In The Anime Department
Episode Pictures Well, I have done the pictures for thursday's episodes, the Contest episodes. Click Below to view. Be Warned as they contain spoilers:
Episode Title Well the title for the 500th episode ever of Pokémon has been revealed; Episode 500: Vespiquen of the Amber Castle!
Until Next Time, See Ya
Thursday: DP Stuff
Busy Busy. Ep Pics tomorrow
In The Games Department
New Poketch Functions Something I have been sitting on for a while, I am now happy to reveal to you. There are three Pokétch functions that were hidden are now revealed. These were event only, or at least they cannot be obtained in-game. The way to get them is not yet known. Click below for details:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Tuesday: DP Stuff
And thus news is slow once more
In The Games Department
Stickers Something I actually updated with but completely neglected to mention in the update on Sunday, the Stickers that you put on your Pokéballs are now henceforth known as Seals:
Until Next Time, See Ya
Sunday: Lots of English Information
Lots of stuff today, told you all to expect something big
In The Games Department
Names Names and more Names
Something you have all been wanting for a long time, I am happy to Exclusively reveal to you the names for Major Characters in the game, All the Places, Attacks, Abilities and Items, all of which have been added to the Pokédex
Place Names: Next up is the names for major people within the games:
People Names: Next up, all of the attacks US names have been added throughout the site including the Attackdex & Pokédex. Below is a list of all the new attacks in Alphabetical order:
Next, the new abilities have been updated with their US names in the Pokédex and the Diamond & Pearl section. Click below for the updated list:
The item page has also been updated with a good number of item names, although this page is still not completely full with the items:
Finally, the names for the brand new berries are also revealed:
Some major things that should be known are also here; The Pokétore shall henceforth be known as the Pokéradar. The Sheild & Helmet Fossils are now called the Armor & Skull Fossils respectively. The Crucial Stone is now to be called the Odd Keystone. Expect more stuff to be revealed as the Release Date nears.
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